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Home > Artwork > G. Wood


Artwork Gallery
Cover Gallery


TopArtwork Gallery

Here is a cover gallery showing the original artwork created by G. Wood, together with the first book for which this artwork was used. Click on any cover to see the book, click on any artwork to see a larger version.

Tarnsman of Gor

First used in 1970 for the First Printing of the Universal-Tandem Edition of Tarnsman of Gor.

Tarnsman of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1970   Tarnsman of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1970

Outlaw of Gor

First used in 1971 for the First Printing of the Universal-Tandem Edition of Outlaw of Gor.

Outlaw of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1971   Outlaw of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1971

Priest-Kings of Gor

First used in 1972 for the First Printing of the Universal-Tandem Edition of Priest-Kings of Gor.

Priest-Kings of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1972   Priest-Kings of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1972

Nomads of Gor

First used in 1972 for the First Printing of the Universal-Tandem Edition of Nomads of Gor.

Nomads of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1972   Nomads of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1972

Assassin of Gor

First used in 1973 for the First Printing of the Universal-Tandem Edition of Assassin of Gor.

Assassin of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1973   Assassin of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1973

Raiders of Gor

First used in 1973 for the First Printing of the Universal-Tandem Edition of Raiders of Gor.

Raiders of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1973   Raiders of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1973

Captive of Gor

First used in 1973 for the First Printing of the Universal-Tandem Edition of Captive of Gor.

Captive of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1973   Captive of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1973

Hunters of Gor

First used in 1975 for the First Printing of the Universal-Tandem Edition of Hunters of Gor.

Hunters of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1975   Hunters of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1975

Marauders of Gor

First used in 1976 for the First Printing of the Universal-Tandem Edition of Marauders of Gor.

Marauders of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1976   Marauders of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1976

TopCover Gallery

Here is a cover gallery showing all the titles and printings created by G. Wood. The images are sorted by edition. Click on any cover to see the book.

Tarnsman of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1970   Tarnsman of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - Second Printing - 1972   Outlaw of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1971   Outlaw of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - Second Printing - 1974   Priest-Kings of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1972   Priest-Kings of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - Second Printing - 1973   Priest-Kings of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - Third Printing - 1975   Nomads of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1972   Nomads of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - Second Printing - 1974   Assassin of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1973   Assassin of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - Second Printing - 1974   Raiders of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1973   Raiders of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - Second Printing - 1974   Captive of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1973   Captive of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - Second Printing - 1976   Hunters of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1975   Marauders of Gor - Universal-Tandem Edition - First Printing - 1976  
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