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Home > Spanish Ultramar Edition > Fighting Slave of Gor > First Printing

Fighting Slave of Gor - El Esclavo Luchador de Gor - First Printing

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Cronicas de la Contratierra no. 14
Copyright 1980 by John Norman
Translation Copyright by
Published by Ultramar Editores, S.A., Barcelona
Grandes Exitos Bolsillo Erotic & Fantasia 14
First Printing - 1990 (November, 1990)
Translated by Lenna Phool
EAN 978-84-7386-632-3 | ISBN 84-7386-632-0

Format: Paperback
  English   French   German   Russian   USA
PT 750 | 252 pages
Coverart by Antoni Garcés

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Scanned by: Internet (20090311 23:00:00)


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Fighting Slave of Gor - Spanish Ultramar Edition - First Printing - 1990   Fighting Slave of Gor - Spanish Ultramar Edition - First Printing - 1990  
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