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Home > Kindle Edition > Guardsman of Gor > Second Version

Guardsman of Gor - Second Version

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Copyright 1981 by John Norman
Distributed by Amazon Kindle, Seattle
Published by Orion Publishing Group, London

Second Version - 2011 (December 21, 2011)

ASIN B006M48974 | ISBN 0-575-12419-9

Format: eBook | (Paperback) | (Current)

US 7.49 | Filesize 510 KB
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Thrust into a life full of woeful twists and turns, Jason Marshall has contended with the prehistoric customs and immeasurable power of the Goreans. His struggles on Gor, a planet resembling Earth, included escaping imprisonment, enslavement, and redeeming lost land. Jason has fought to regain control of his life. Having ascended to a position of power in the Gorean army, Jason must prevail in a battle that seems destined to destroy Gor. Jason has a lot riding on his success as a war leader: prestige, wealth, and an Earth girl of goddesslike beauty. Will Jason be able to win the war and avoid a fate worse than death? Will he be able to find the girl who holds his affections? Will he be able to live as a free man on Earth's counterpart and rise to a still higher position of power and respect?

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Guardsman of Gor - Kindle Edition - Second Version - 2011  
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