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Imaginative Sex - First Printing

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Copyright 1974 by John Norman

Published by E-Reads, Ltd., New York

First Printing - 2009 (June 22, 2009)

EAN 978-0-7592-1728-7 | ISBN 0-7592-1728-9

Format: Paperback | (eBook)
US 19.95 | 306 pages | 8.3 x 5.5 x 0.9 inches | 12 ounces
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Scanned by: Jon Ard (Morgus) (20110617 7:59:00)


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With 53 Detailed Scenarios for Sensual Fantasies and a Revolutionary New Guide to Male-Female Relations. In 1974, the author of the controversial and popular Gor novels revealed his vision for an exciting, fulfilling sex life for all. Imaginative Sex outlines John Norman's philosophy on relations between the sexes. In the first nine chapters, from "Imaginative Sex: The New Sexual Revolution", through "Love, Hunters and Evolution," "Marriage, Sex and Normality," "Sex and the Brain," "Marriage and the Ventilation of Emotions," "Privacy," "Disease," "Requirements for Imaginative Sex," and "Imaginative Techniques" Norman details and develops his theories and ideas about sex in the modern age and in the tenth chapter, "Sensuous Fantasies: Recoipes for Pleasure" he presents fifty-three scenarios designed to reintroduce fantasy and intimacy to the bedroom. Examples include The Aphrodisiac Fantasy; The Rites-of-Submission Fantasy; The Lady Fantasy; The I-Am-His-Slave-Girl Fantasy; The Safari Fantasy and The Blindfolded-Lovers Fantasy as well as many other sensuous suggestions, detailed for the enjoyment of all truly adult readers. Find out what really lies behind the philosophy of Gor, and the ways in which role playing can spice up any love life. The book ends with an Epilogue and a set oif Appendices that cover these important topics: Garments, Ties, Apparel in Fantasy, Notes on How to Buy a Slace Girl and Notes on Investments, Documents and Conception. 16:54 25-01-2010 ================ http://www.amazon.com/Imaginative-Sex-John-Norman/dp/0759217289/ref=pd_sim_b_2

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Imaginative Sex - E-Reads Edition - First Printing - 2009   Imaginative Sex - E-Reads Edition - First Printing - 2009   Imaginative Sex - E-Reads Edition - First Printing - 2009   Imaginative Sex - E-Reads Edition - First Printing - 2009  
Front Cover: JPEG 653x990 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 428KB
Back Cover: JPEG 655x1023 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 501KB
Copyright Page: JPEG 685x1060 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 69.7KB
Horizontal Spine  (no thumbnail): JPEG 1020x84 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 22KB
Vertical Spine: JPEG 84x1020 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 22.3KB

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