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On January 18th, 2000 the foundation of PeanutPress was announced in a press release issued through BusinessWire.Com. The company reached an agreement with DAW Books to publish popular science fiction and fantasy onto their PalmOS readers.
On April 4th, 2000, I received confirmation from Mark Reichelt, CEO of PeanutPress, stating that they were "hopeful for the Gor market too. The two books became available within the past couple of weeks. We're waiting to announce them to our readers because (as you've probably noticed) we have books 1 and 3 up there, but not 2. The second Gor book is on the way, and will be up soon."
Here's a series of images from the CJN Exclusive Time Machine showing the PeanutPress webpages for the four Gor books in September, 2001. Click on any image to see the full screen version.
Even though Tarnsman of Gor and Priest-Kings of Gor only became available by the middle of March, 2000, PeanutPress reported the publishing year for Tarnsman of Gor as 1999, and for Priest-Kings of Gor as 2000. Outlaw of Gor and Nomads of Gor were, accoring to PeanutPress, published in 2001. By the note from Mark Reichelt, above, it might be suggested that this wrong, and that Outlaw of Gor and Nomads of Gor were published in 2000.
PeanutPress also included this small bibliography:
John Norman was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1931. His best known works, The Gor Novels, span 25 books written from 1967 to 1988, plus three installments of the Telnarian Histories, two other fiction works, and a nonfiction paperback entitled Imaginative Sex which was out of print for many years but has been reprinted recently by a specialty house. There's also a graphic novel adaptation of Dancer of Gor coming from Vision Entertainment, which is producing a quarterly Gor Magazine. Mr. Norman is married and has three children.
As far is I know, PeanutPress only published these first four volumes, from Tarnsman of Gor to Nomads of Gor, and I have the impression that they used the original Ballantine versions, without new enhancements or additions. The artwork, however, was completely new.
PenutPress was acquired by Palm Inc in 2001 and became part of the Palm Digital Media Group. It later changed hands to PalmSource after the spin-off and was sold to PalmGear/Motricity in 2003 who would rebrand it as eReader.com in 2004.Fictionwise acquired the eReader.com retail electronic book business unit from Motricity in January 2008, and, in turn, was acquired by Barnes & Noble in March, 2009 for $15.7 million in cash.
Here is a cover gallery showing all the titles and printings within the Peanut Press Edition. The images are sorted by title. Click on any cover to see the book.