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Captive of Gor - The Ultimate Edition

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Gorean Saga - The Ultimate Edition - Book 7
Copyright 1972 by John Norman

Published by E-Reads, Ltd., New York
The Chronicles of Counter-Earth, Volume 7
Second Printing - 2013 (March 26, 2013)

EAN 978-1-61756-997-5 | ISBN 1-61756-997-6

Format: Paperback | (eBook) | (Audio Book)
  Czech   English   French   German   Russian   Spanish   USA
US 17.95 | 406 pages | 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.8 inches | 1 pounds
Coverart by Cirque Studios

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Scanned by: Amazon (20130405 2:40:26)


In March, 2013, this Second Printing replaced the First Printing, originally published in June, 2007.

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Book Seven of the Gorean Saga

In this installment of the Gorean Series, beautiful and headstrong Elinor Brinton of earth finds herself thrust into the savage world of Counter-Earth, also known as Gor. Brinton must relinquish her earthly position as a beautiful, wealthy and powerful woman when she finds herself a part of the harsh Gorean society. She is powerless as a female pleasure slave in the camp of Targo the slave-merchant. Forced to learn the arts of providing pleasure to any man who buys her, Elinor is determined to escape. Nevertheless, she is sold for a high price, and her master is determined to get his moneyÆs worth...

John Norman's epic Gorean Saga is one of the longest-running and most successful series in the history of fantasy. It is also one of the most controversial. Over the course of more than thirty books produced over a span of six decades, the series has sold millions of copies and built legions of fans unrivaled in their devotion. E-Reads invites you to rediscover this brilliantly imagined world where men are masters and women live to serve their every desire.

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Captive of Gor - E-Reads Edition - Second Printing - 2013   Captive of Gor - E-Reads Edition - Second Printing - 2013  
Front Cover: JPEG 880x1360 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 206KB
Back Cover: JPEG 880x1360 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 229KB

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