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Home > Titles > Boxed Sets

Publication History

As for as we know, only three publishers created boxed sets of their Gor books: Ballantine, DAW, and Star. All of these publishers might have published other boxed sets, that we still don't know of. Here's what we do know off.

TopBallantine Boxed Sets

First Ballantine Boxed Set - click to see the set Second Ballantine Boxed Set - click to see the set

Ballantine published a four-volume boxed set, entitled Tarl Cabot of Gor, with ISBN 0-345-24793-0, during the second half of 1975. A year later, during the second half of 1976. they released a five-volume boxed set, also entitled Tarl Cabot of Gor, with ISBN 0-345-25598-4.

TopDAW Boxed Sets

First DAW Boxed Set - click to see the set Second DAW Boxed Set - click to see the set Third DAW Boxed Set - click to see the set Fourth DAW Boxed Set - click to see the set Fifth DAW Boxed Set - click to see the set Sixth DAW Boxed Set - click to see the set

Presumably around 1980, possibly in March, DAW published a three-volume boxed set, entitled Gor 1 - Deluxe Gift Set, without an order number, and a four-volume boxed set, Gor 2 - Deluxe Gift Set, also without an order number. Also in 1980, presumably later that year, DAW published a First Printing and a Second Printing of a five-volume boxed set, simply entitled Deluxe Gift Set. In 1981, they released two other four-volume boxed sets, entitled Gor I - Deluxe Gift Set, with order number #PR1122 and Gor II - Deluxe Gift Set, with order number #PR1123. Note the use of roman numerals for these last two sets.

TopStar Boxed Sets

First Star Boxed Set - click to see the set Second Star Boxed Set - click to see the set Third Star Boxed Set - click to see the set

Star published at least three three-volume boxed sets, all entitled John Norman's Gor: Boxed Set (Tarnsman, Outlaw and Priest-Kings) and Boxed Set (Nomads, Assassin and Raiders) in 1984, and Boxed Set (Blood Brothers, Kajira and Players) in 1986.

TopCover Gallery (year)

Here is a cover gallery showing all the editions and printings of Boxed Sets, sorted by year of publication. Click on any cover to see the book.

Boxed Sets - Ballantine Edition - First Printing - 1975   Boxed Sets - Ballantine Edition - First Printing - 1976   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - Second Printing - 1980   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1980   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1980   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1980   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1981   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1981   Boxed Sets - Star Edition - First Printing - 1984   Boxed Sets - Star Edition - First Printing - 1984   Boxed Sets - Star Edition - First Printing - 1986  

TopCover Gallery (edition)

Here is a cover gallery showing all the editions and printings of Boxed Sets, sorted by edition. Click on any cover to see the book.

Boxed Sets - Ballantine Edition - First Printing - 1975   Boxed Sets - Ballantine Edition - First Printing - 1976   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1980   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1981   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1980   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1981   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1980   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - Second Printing - 1980   Boxed Sets - Star Edition - First Printing - 1984   Boxed Sets - Star Edition - First Printing - 1984   Boxed Sets - Star Edition - First Printing - 1986  
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