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Boxed Set (Beasts, Explorers, Fighting Slave and Rogue) - First Printing

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The Bestselling Fantasy Saga of Gor - Gor II - Deluxe Gift Set
Copyright 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981 by John Norman

Published by DAW Books, Inc., New York
DAW Books = SF (PR1122)
First Printing - 1981 (estimated)


Format: Four Volume Boxed Set

US 11.35
Coverart by Richard Hescox

Hi-Res: Front Back Spine Details
Scanned by: Jon Ard (Morgus) (20100604 22:04:00)


Richard Hescox signature - click to see the artist page This four-volume DAW boxed set, entitled "Gor II - Deluxe Gift Set", and containing Beasts of Gor, Explorers of Gor, Fighting Slave of Gor and Rogue of Gor, was published under order number PR1123, using the new, and previously unused cover artwork by Richard Hescox (see his signature on the right). The text "Printed in U.S.A." appears on the spine.

Publication date is unknown, but it has to be after the release of Rogue of Gor in March, 1981. Also, Richard Hescox signature states a copyright in 1980. If so, the box might have contained the Third Printing of Beasts of Gor, the Fourth Printing of Explorers of Gor, the First Hybrid Printing of Fighting Slave of Gor, and the First Printing of Rogue of Gor.

DAW also published a three-volume boxed set, entitled Gor 1 - Deluxe Gift Set, without an order number; two other four-volume boxed sets, Gor II - Deluxe Gift Set, with order number #PR1122; and Gor 2 - Deluxe Gift Set, without an order number; and a First Printing and a Second Printing of a five-volume boxed set, simply entitled Deluxe Gift Set.

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No backcover text - the backcover is identical to the frontcover.

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Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1981   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1981   Boxed Sets - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1981  
Front Cover: JPEG 1061x1743 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 735KB
Back Cover: JPEG 1061x1743 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 735KB
Horizontal Spine  (no thumbnail): JPEG 1743x872 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 799KB
Vertical Spine: JPEG 861x1746 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 236KB
Detail #1 (no thumbnail): JPEG 127x78 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 5.84KB

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