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The Strange History of Counter-Earth
Copyright 1966 by John Lange Published by Ballantine Books, Inc., New York Ballantine Fantasy Adventure U6071 First Canadian Printing - 1968 (January, 1968) EAN | ISBN Format: Paperback | (eBook) | (Audio Book) | (Current) C 0.75 | 219 pages | 11 x 18 cm Coverart by Robert Foster Hi-Res: Front Back Copy Details Scanned by: Jon Ard (Morgus) (20100520 17:47:38) |
Volume One of the Strange History of Counter-Earth, published in December 1966, by Ballantine Books, Inc., in New York.
© 1966 John Lange First Edition: December, 1966 Printed in Canada BALLANTINE BOOKS, INC., 101 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003
This is NOT a genuine first edition. This book is printed in January, 1968, as can be verified by the copyright information of the Second Printing, while the original First American Printing of the Ballantine Edition of Tarnsman of Gor was printed in December, 1966.
This First Canadian Printing of the Ballantine Edition of Tarnsman of Gor can be identified by the blue ORIGINAL text in the top-right corner of the front cover; the text "This is an orininal novel - not a reprint" which appears on page ii and again in the top-left corner of the back cover; and the text "Printed in Canada" on page iv and again in the top-right corner of the back cover. There are no references to other volumes in the Gor series, the back cover only contains references to other books by Robert Silverberg, Larry Niven and J.R.R. Tolkien.
Neither the First Canadian Printing nor the First American Printing contain an ISBN.
This is the original version of the story of Tarnsman of Gor. In September 2000, in an open letter to Gor fans, entitled "How The Internet Can Change Lives!", John Norman anncounced that electronic publishing had given him the opportunity to revise, enlarge and improve the books, some more than others. As to Tarnsman of Gor, the changes were minimal, and only a few minor typos were corrected. This new enhanced version was first published in paperback format in January, 2001, by New World Publishers (here). However, due to the digital scanning process some new typos were introducted in this enhanced edition. So in June, 2007, E-Reads, Ltd., New York released a newly edited and corrected version of the story (here). The most current version of story of Tarnsman of Gor is the Second Printing of the E-Reads Edition published in March, 2013 (here).
BALLANTINE BOOKS is proud to publish, for the very first time, the original account of the adventures of Tarl Cabot, sometime minor lecturer of Earth, destined to become a fiery fighting Tarnsman on the planet Gor, known also as Counter-Earth.
TARNSMAN OF GOR is a first novel - the first of a series. JOHN NORMAN, its young author, is a doctor of philosophic logic who has read little fantasy but has found that he likes to write in the GENRE because, as with many others, if frees him to explore new ideas, to relax in a world of his own creating, a world of action and high adventure, a world of courage and cruelty, of passion and alien custom.
This is the magnificent world of Gor, a planet as strangely populated, as threatening, as beautiful as any you are likely to encounter in the great works of fiction. We predict that the name of John Norman will one day be known among the best. This is the beginning. Don't miss it.
Front Cover: JPEG 691x1200 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 247KB Back Cover: JPEG 1000x1747 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 635KB Copyright Page: JPEG 1000x1719 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 218KB Reference #1: JPEG 1208x2072 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 2.152MB Reference #2: JPEG 1215x2025 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 1.83MB Reference #3: JPEG 1210x2030 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 1.976MB Reference #4: JPEG 1210x2015 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 2.95MB Reference #5: JPEG 1215x2030 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 1.889MB Reference #6: JPEG 1200x2030 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 2.897MB Reference #7: JPEG 1180x2065 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 2.799MB Detail #1 (no thumbnail): JPEG 684x49 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 9.82KB Detail #2 (no thumbnail): JPEG 687x423 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 50.6KB