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Players of Gor - First Printing

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Copyright 1984 by John Norman

Published by W.H. Allen & Co. Ltd., London
A Star Book
First Printing - 1984 (June, 1984)

EAN 978-0-352-31502-1 | ISBN 0-352-31502-4

Format: Paperback | (eBook) | (Current)
  German   USA
UK 2.50 | 396 pages | 18 cm
Coverart by

Hi-Res: Front Back Spine Copy Details
Scanned by: Jon Ard (Morgus) (20100604 11:17:00)


The copyright page states:

A Star Book
Published in 1984
by the Paperback Division of
W.H. Allen & Co. PLC.
44 Hill Street, London, W1X 8LB

First published in the United States of America by
Daw Books, Inc, 1984

Copyright © John Norman, 1984

Printed in Great Britain by
Cox & Wyman Ltd, Reading

ISBN 0 352 31502 4

TopBack Cover Text

Players of Gor

A Gorean Carnival!

During the holiday revels of Port Kar, an attempt is made on the life of Tarl Cabot. And Tarl discovers that the Priest-Kings have turned against him! To clear himself of their charge of treason, he must follow the assassins trail. The only way to do that is to disguise himself and join a troupe of travelling players. In their midst he will find entry to enemy cities and hostile territories

Players of Gor is a rich and full adventure in that wondorous world where free men must fight and slave girls must yield, where life and liberty may depend on the chance moves of a gameboard or the edged passions of the duelling ground. Now TarlÆs destiny brings him face to face with a conspiracy of superhuman power.

All twenty titles in the Gor series are available in Star

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Players of Gor - Star Edition - First Printing - 1984   Players of Gor - Star Edition - First Printing - 1984   Players of Gor - Star Edition - First Printing - 1984   Players of Gor - Star Edition - First Printing - 1984  
Front Cover: JPEG 1031x1672 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 1.483MB
Back Cover: JPEG 1035x1675 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 584KB
Copyright Page: JPEG 427x870 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 176KB
Horizontal Spine  (no thumbnail): JPEG 1674x243 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 30.1KB
Vertical Spine: JPEG 243x1675 pixels, 8-bit sRGB, size 30.3KB

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