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Ken W. Kelly - click to enlarge

  [UPDATE]   Born in 1946 in New London, Connecticut, Ken Kelly practically came into our world with a pencil in his hand. He started drawing at the fragile age of two and has not stopped since. It is said that children learn to express themselves through art. Well then, Ken must have been quite a revealing youngster, for nothing in the house was safe from his artistic expressions, from the smallest piece of paper that he would squeeze a tiny doodle on, to the very large drawing board known as the living room wall!

In the fourth grade, at the age of nine, Ken was introduced to art teacher Mrs. Valerious (hmm - that name is strangely close to Valeria - Conan's pirate companion in Red Nails). This was the beginning of a relationship that would last for the next nine years. Mrs. Valerious gave Ken the direction he needed. She showed Ken how to develop and put to use his natural talent. She taught him the principles of art.

Unlike most art teachers that would push their students to go on to art school, Mrs. Valerious had quite the opposite approach. She convinced Ken's parents not to put him through art school after high school. She claimed that it would ruin his natural and unique style.

That was just fine with Ken, as he had always dreamed of joining the Marines. After high school, that's exactly what he did. For the next four years he found himself touring around the world serving both at Guantanamo Bay and Vietnam. During his service to his country he even got to use his art skills. While stationed in Cuba, he did all the illustrations for the U.S. magazine, "The Gitmo Gazette".

He completed his four-year term in 1968 and returned home to New York. During the next year, Ken's life would veer further into the realms of fantasy art. In 1968, he decided to go to the studio of Frank Frazetta and show him some of his own drawings. Frazetta liked what he saw and encouraged Ken to pursue a career in commercial art. At the same time, he also invited Ken to study under him. Ken eagerly accepted Frank's offer.

Under the guidance of Frazetta, Ken was able to fine-tune his skill even further. Frazetta stressed how important it was to put feeling into creating a painting and to let the action on the canvas come from the imagination. Ken took those words to heart and has lived by them ever since.

Later that same year, Ken received his first professional assignment. Before he turned the painting in, he took it to Frazetta to get his approval. Well, Frazetta did not think that the woman in the painting had a terrified enough expression on her face, so he painted over her old face, with a new one of his own, which he felt worked better. Now it was ready to be turned in. That painting was done for Warren's Vampirella Magazine and is titled, "The Lurking Terror".

For the rest of that year, Ken worked for Warren and Skywald magazine. Then in 1969, he entered the book cover field and has since worked for just about every major publishing house. Ken has done work for some of the best selling authors in the field, including an outstanding series for Robert E. Howard, and the complete series of Robert Adam's famous Horseclan novels.

Outside the bookcover field, Ken has worked for nearly all of the large toy manufacturers. He has also done many album covers, including two paintings for KISS, for which he was rewarded with gold albums.

Over the years, Ken's artwork has continued to have the unique ability to evoke the imagination to travel to faraway places and primal battlefields. You will see that same imaginative ability in both his pen and ink drawings and his full color paintings. His work quite literally explodes with energy and throbs with life. His paintings are done exclusively in oil and are relatively large in size. Most of the paintings average 30X40, and many are much larger. In fact, "Kingdom of the Knights" measures a fantastic 40X60! -- Paraphrased from Ken Kelly's Book "The Art of Ken Kelly" by Michael J. Friedlander -- July, 1990

From Ken Kelly Official Art Site at http://www.kenkellyfantasyart.com

Still need to find the original artwork for Savages of Gor, Dancer of Gor and Renegades of Gor. If you can help, let us know.

The artwork for the French J'ai Lu Edition of Les Pirates de Gor is based upon a painting entitled "The Protector", while the painting for Les Tribus de Gor is entitled "North Watch".

TopArtwork Gallery

Here is a cover gallery showing the original artwork created by Ken W. Kelly, together with the first book for which this artwork was used. Click on any cover to see the book, click on any artwork to see a larger version.

Guardsman of Gor

First used in 1981 for the First Printing of the DAW Edition of Guardsman of Gor.

Guardsman of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1981   Guardsman of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1981

Savages of Gor

First used in 1982 for the First American Printing of the DAW Edition of Savages of Gor.

Savages of Gor - DAW Edition - First American Printing - 1982   Savages of Gor - DAW Edition - First American Printing - 1982

Blood Brothers of Gor

First used in 1982 for the First Printing of the DAW Edition of Blood Brothers of Gor.

Blood Brothers of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1982   Blood Brothers of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1982

Kajira of Gor

First used in 1983 for the First Printing of the DAW Edition of Kajira of Gor.

Kajira of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1983   Kajira of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1983

Players of Gor

First used in 1984 for the First Printing of the DAW Edition of Players of Gor.

Players of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1984   Players of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1984

Mercenaries of Gor

First used in 1985 for the First American Printing of the DAW Edition of Mercenaries of Gor.

Mercenaries of Gor - DAW Edition - First American Printing - 1985   Mercenaries of Gor - DAW Edition - First American Printing - 1985

Dancer of Gor

First used in 1985 for the First Printing of the DAW Edition of Dancer of Gor.

Dancer of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1985   Dancer of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1985

Renegades of Gor

First used in 1986 for the First Printing of the DAW Edition of Renegades of Gor.

Renegades of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1986   Renegades of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1986

Vagabonds of Gor

First used in 1987 for the First Printing of the DAW Edition of Vagabonds of Gor.

Vagabonds of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1987   Vagabonds of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1987

Magicians of Gor

First used in 1988 for the First Printing of the DAW Edition of Magicians of Gor.

Magicians of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1988   Magicians of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1988

Raiders of Gor

First used in 1993 for the First Printing of the French J'ai Lu Edition of Raiders of Gor.

Raiders of Gor - French J'ai Lu Edition - First Printing - 1993   Raiders of Gor - French J'ai Lu Edition - First Printing - 1993

Marauders of Gor

First used in 1995 for the First Printing of the French J'ai Lu Edition of Marauders of Gor.

Marauders of Gor - French J'ai Lu Edition - First Printing - 1995   Marauders of Gor - French J'ai Lu Edition - First Printing - 1995

Tribesmen of Gor

First used in 1995 for the First Printing of the French J'ai Lu Edition of Tribesmen of Gor.

Tribesmen of Gor - French J'ai Lu Edition - First Printing - 1995   Tribesmen of Gor - French J'ai Lu Edition - First Printing - 1995

TopCover Gallery

Here is a cover gallery showing all the titles and printings created by Ken W. Kelly. The images are sorted by edition. Click on any cover to see the book.

Guardsman of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1981   Guardsman of Gor - DAW Edition - Second American Printing - 1982   Guardsman of Gor - DAW Edition - Third Printing - 1986   Guardsman of Gor - DAW Edition - Fourth Printing - 1987   Guardsman of Gor - DAW Edition - Second Hybrid Printing - 1984   Savages of Gor - DAW Edition - First American Printing - 1982   Savages of Gor - DAW Edition - Second American Printing - 1984   Savages of Gor - DAW Edition - Third Printing - 1986   Savages of Gor - DAW Edition - Fourth Printing - 1987   Savages of Gor - DAW Edition - First Canadian Printing - 1982   Savages of Gor - DAW Edition - Second Hybrid Printing - 1984   Blood Brothers of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1982   Blood Brothers of Gor - DAW Edition - Second American Printing - 1983   Blood Brothers of Gor - DAW Edition - Third Printing - 1984   Blood Brothers of Gor - DAW Edition - Fourth Printing - 1985   Blood Brothers of Gor - DAW Edition - Fifth Printing - 1986   Blood Brothers of Gor - DAW Edition - Sixth Printing - 1987   Blood Brothers of Gor - DAW Edition - Second Hybrid Printing - 1983   Kajira of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1983   Kajira of Gor - DAW Edition - Second American Printing - 1985   Kajira of Gor - DAW Edition - Third Printing - 1987   Kajira of Gor - DAW Edition - Second Hybrid Printing - 1985   Players of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1984   Players of Gor - DAW Edition - Second American Printing - 1984   Players of Gor - DAW Edition - Third Printing - 1985   Players of Gor - DAW Edition - Fourth Printing - 1985   Players of Gor - DAW Edition - Fifth Printing - 1986   Players of Gor - DAW Edition - Second Hybrid Printing - 1984   Mercenaries of Gor - DAW Edition - First American Printing - 1985   Mercenaries of Gor - DAW Edition - Second American Printing - 1986   Mercenaries of Gor - DAW Edition - Third Printing - 1987   Mercenaries of Gor - DAW Edition - Fourth American Printing - 1988   Mercenaries of Gor - DAW Edition - First Canadian Printing - 1985   Mercenaries of Gor - DAW Edition - Second Canadian Printing - 1986   Mercenaries of Gor - DAW Edition - Fourth Canadian Printing - 1988   Mercenaries of Gor - DAW Edition - Second Hybrid Printing - 1986   Dancer of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1985   Dancer of Gor - DAW Edition - Second Printing - 1986   Dancer of Gor - DAW Edition - Third Printing - 1987   Renegades of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1986   Renegades of Gor - DAW Edition - Second Printing - 1987   Renegades of Gor - DAW Edition - Third Printing - 1988   Vagabonds of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1987   Vagabonds of Gor - DAW Edition - Second Printing - 1988   Magicians of Gor - DAW Edition - First Printing - 1988   Magicians of Gor - DAW Edition - Second Printing - 1988   Players of Gor - German Heyne Edition - First Printing - 1995   Raiders of Gor - French J'ai Lu Edition - First Printing - 1993   Raiders of Gor - French J'ai Lu Edition - Second Printing - 1995   Marauders of Gor - French J'ai Lu Edition - First Printing - 1995   Tribesmen of Gor - French J'ai Lu Edition - First Printing - 1995   Dancer of Gor - Star Edition - First Printing - 1986   Renegades of Gor - Star Edition - First Printing - 1986  
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